More Ex-combatants to be released

30 March 2011 10:22 pm Views - 3407

Commissioner General of Rehabilitation, Brigadier Sudantha Ranasinghe said yesterday that two hundred and six rehabilitated ex-combatants will be released on Friday (01) 

This figure consists of 205 men and a woman, who were former LTTE carders, he said.

He told Tamil Mirror Online that these former LTTE cadres would be released following a ceremony which will be held at the Vavuniya Cultural hall on April 1 under the patronage of Rehabilitation and Prisons Reforms Minister Chandrsiri Gajadeera.

Another large number of former LTTE cadres will be released to mark the Shinhala and Tamil New Year Festival, Brigadier Sudantha Ranasinghe added.

Meanwhile, an exhibition of paintings by former militants undergoing rehabilitation would be held on April 25 and 26 at the National Art Gallery in Colombo. (Rifthi Ali)