Navy Chief to retire on Wednesday-MOD

23 September 2012 07:39 am Views - 3923

The Defence Ministry officially said that Navy Commander Vice Admiral D. W. A. S. Dissanayake is scheduled to retire on September 26, this year.

“The outgoing Commander of the Navy Vice Admiral D. W. A. S. Dissanayake Friday (21) morning paid a courtesy call on the Commander of the Army, Lieutenant General Jagath Jayasuriya at the Army Headquarters,” the Army Headquarters in its website stated yesterday. It also said, “he (Vice Admirala Dissanayake) is scheduled to retire on Wednesday (26).

“During the cordial meeting with the Army Chief, Vice Admiral D. W. A. S. Dissanayake recalled gestures of cooperation and close working relationship, both oraganizations enjoyed during his tenure of service.

Lieutenant General Jayasuriya, extending his best wishes to the retiring Navy Chief presented him with a token of memento. The Navy Chief reciprocated the gesture. Towards the end of the interaction, the visiting Navy Chief signed the VIP Book at the Commander’s Office as a formality,” the website stated.

Meanwhile, the navy headquarters in its website also stated that Navy Commander Dissanayake paid courtesy calls on Commander of the Army, Lieutenant General Jagath Jayasuriya at the Army Headquarters, Commander of the Air Force, Air Marshal Harsha Abeywickrema at the Air Force Headquarters and Inspector General of Police, N.K. Illangakoon at the Police Headquarters on 21st September 2012.

“The Commander of the Navy was accorded with Guards of Honour on arrival at the Forces and Police Headquarters and he held cordial discussions with the Forces Commanders and the IGP on a range of topics related to their mutual interests. He expressed gratitude to them for the cooperation and support extended to him during his tenure as the Commander of the Navy. He also took the opportunity to convey his warm wishes to them for the continuation of their good efforts in their high offices. Mementos were also exchanged to mark the occasion,” the navy said.

Dissanayake was appointed the Commander of the Navy on 15th January 2011as the 17th Navy Commander after promoting him to be a 3-star rank of Vice Admiral upon his assumption of the Navy’s mantle of office.