Video: No-faith motion a ruse to block 20A - JHU

29 May 2015 08:45 am Views - 6506

The Jathika Hela Urumaya (JHU) said today that the main purpose of attempting to force the dissolution of parliament through a no-confidence motion against Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe, was to disrupt the enactment of the 20th Amendment to the Constitution.

JHU National Organiser Nishantha Sri Warnasinghe said the no-confidence motion must be brought against those who were attempting to block the 20A.
He said what was required today was not to push for the dissolution of parliament but instead to have in place a new electoral system.

Mr. Warnasinghe said the enactment of the 20A was being delayed despite the agreement reached on the changes and added that the reason for minority parties objecting to it should be revealed.

“The smaller parties and the parties represent the minority communities agreed on the changes made to the 20A Draft Bill. But we don’t know why they are repeatedly objecting to it by breaching the agreements,” he said.

Mr. Warnasinghe said only the SLMC was against the 20A while the parties such as the JHU, JVP and TNA had assured their support.

“We do not know why the SLMC is against this amendment. If they have any issues with it they should discuss them with the members of the panel which drafted it. It is unfortunate that the SLMC is acting in a despicable manner with regard to the 20A,” he said. (Ajith Siriwardana)