NWPC: Setback for UPFA at inaugural meeting

11 October 2013 10:38 am Views - 6964

In a major setback for the ruling UPFA at today’s inaugural session of the newly elected North-Western Provincial Council (NPC), UPFA member Dharmasiri Dassanayake was elected NPC Chairman instead of the ruling party choice Indrani Dassanayake.

Mr. Dassanayake’s name was proposed and seconded by the opposition United National Party (UNP) and the election was by secret ballot.

When NPC Secretary A.M. Wickramasinghe called for names for the post of Chairman, Chief Minister Dayasiri Jayasekara on behalf of the UPFA proposed the name of Indrani Dassanayake from the Puttalam District. It was seconded by Provincial Minister Gunadasa Dehigama.

Just then UNP member M.S. Perera stood up and proposed the name of UPFA member Dharmasiri Dassanayake for the post of Chairman. It was seconded by UNP member Ajith Rohana. This resulted in a tense situation with Mr. Jayasekara appealing to Mr. Dassanayake to withdraw his nomination. But Mr. Dassayake rejected the chief minister’s request and refused to budge after citing the Council’s laid down procedure.  

In the ensuing commotion some UPFA members pressured Dharmasiri Dassanayake to decline but their efforts failed.

A secret ballot was taken because two names were on the table. Surprisingly Dharmasisiri Dassanayake proposed by the UNP received 30 votes, while Indrani Dassanayake proposed by the Chief Minister received only 22 votes. Mr. Dassanayake who was elected with a majority of eight votes was sworn in as the North-Western Provincial Council Chairman.

UPFA member R. D. Wimaladasa was elected as vice chairman with a majority of 19 votes.

Chief Minister Dayasiri Jayasekara appeared under severe stress while attempting to woo voters to support his choice. ( Pushpakumara Jayaratne)