Pardon for MS assassination attempt convict?

8 January 2016 12:28 am Views - 5674

A Tamil man who was found guilty of conspiracy to assassinate and the attempted murder of Maithripala Sirisena (when the latter was a Cabinet Minister in 2005) on Thursday withdrew his appeal against his conviction and sentence by the High Court.
The appellant moved to withdraw his appeal as there was a likelihood that President Sirisena would pardon him, Silva (Counsel for the Appellant) told the media outside the court premises.
The matter was taken up in chamber before Justices Vijith K.Malalgoda (President/CA) and Devika Tennekoon, on a motion by the appellant convict Sivarajah Jeneepan (27), Mr. de Silva said.
The Attorney General had indicted Sivarajah before the High Court of Polonnaruwa, alleging that, during the period 15th December 2005 to 23rd January 2005, he had been involved in a conspiracy -- with Edirisinghe Mudiyanselage Pemasiri and Murali (deceased) -- to assassinate Maithripala Sirisena in Polonnaruwa, when Mr. Sirisena was Minister of Health.
Sivarajah who had been on remand for 10 years was found guilty by the High Court of Polonnaruwa and sentenced to 10 years rigorous imprisonment (RI) and imposed a fine of Rs 10,000.
The convict had appealed to the Court of Appeal, to set aside the sentence of the High Court.
The Court of Appeal, allowed the pleading for withdrawal of his appeal petition. Senior Counsel Silva appeared for the Appellant, Deputy Solicitor General A.H.M.Navavi appeared for the Attorney General. (S.S Selvanayagam)


Video by Courts Prasanna