Penalties for poaching

21 February 2011 06:29 pm Views - 3872

Several Tamil Nadu fishermen’s associations have introduced penalties such as the confiscation of fishing vessels and the imposition of fines if their fishermen poached in Sri Lankan waters in the future, Tamil National Alliance (TNA) MP Suresh Premachandran said.

Mr. Premachandran who returned to the country from India said he learnt of this decision by fishermen’s associations during his stay there.

“I do not think that all the associations have taken this decision. However, some organizations have done it. It has been reported in the Indian media too,” he said.

This decision came in the aftermath of the recent controversy where 136 Indian fishermen were caught poaching by Sri Lankan fishermen and detained in police custody. Later, they were released on a court order.
(Kelum Bandara)