Ranil should go by the 23rd: Reformists

15 August 2011 02:02 pm Views - 6647

UNP reformists said today that the leadership should be changed by next Wednesday if the party is to emerge victorious at the coming local government election.

Reformist camp strongman Maithri Gunaratne told a news conference today that the party should be able with even all 23 remaining local bodies if the expected change is brought about on or before Wednesday.
He said a sathyagraha had been organised near party head quarters Sirikotha on Wednesday at the time of the working committee meeting.
Mr. Gunaratne said he opted to back deputy leader Karu Jayaasuriya as the leader as he (Mr. Jayasuriya) is identified as a man who had adopted a neutral ideology when it comes to the party crisis. He said some sections of the party had begun slinging mud on Mr. Jayasuriya after the recent developments.
He said the UNP will not be able to challenge the government if it (UNP) is not organised in a proper manner. Mr. Gunaratne questioned as to how the party could challenge the government which commands a two thirds majority by obtaining a mere 22 percent of the votes in elections. “It is obvious that the party should undergo changes in this kind of a situation,” he added.
Referring to a comment made by the pro Wickremesighe group of provincial council members that the reformists should follow former President Chandrika Kumaratunga who won elections without the party leadership, Mr. Gunaratne said Ms. Kumaratunga was successful as Ms. Sirimavo Bandaranaike the then SLFP leader gave a free hand to her. “The problem with the UNP is that the leader is not willing to give the necessary powers to capable people,” he pointed out.
UNP Member of the Western Provincial Council Shiral Laktialaka said leadership change should come at least by December if the present leadership is genuinely interested in making the party victorious. (Yohan Perera)