Rescued fishermen heading home

20 April 2012 04:27 pm Views - 2333

The six Sri Lankan Fishermen who were rescued on Wednesday by a Spanish Naval Ship, from the detention of Somali pirates were handed over to the European Union Mission in Darussalam, Tunisia yesterday and will travel to Sri Lanka shortly, the Department of Fisheries said.

Their safe passage to Sri Lanka will be coordinated by the Sri Lankan Embassy in Kenya. According Fisheries Department Media Secretary NarendraRajapaksa, Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Minister RajithaSenaratne has directed that all expenses for their visas, air travel and other incidental expenses be born by the Department of Fisheries.

After being rescued by the Spanish Naval Ship, the six fishermen were handed over to the European Union Naval forces, according to the External Affairs Ministry. 

The boat ‘NimeshaDuwa’ with the six fishermen had been pirated over six months ago and during the rescue operation six Somali pirates had been on board. It is reported that the pirates had demanded a ransom of US$6 Million.