Video: I was offered Rs.100 Mn to stay in Govt: Navin

2 December 2014 09:08 am Views - 11491

Nuwara-Eliya District MP Navin Dissanayake, who resigned from his portfolio and joined the UNP, said he was offered a cash inducement of Rs.100 million to stay with the government after his plan to quit it was sensed by some elements.


“I had by then spoken to common opposition candidate Maitripala Sirisena and pledged my support to him. Therefore, I did not want to go back on my word. In politics, we have to take decisions at the appropriate time, be it productive or not. Mr. Sirisena fought for pictorial warnings on tobacco packets. He came under immense pressure from those companies. But, he remained resilient and could not be lured by cash inducements,” Mr. Dissanayake said. (Kelum Bandara)  



Video by Sanath Desmond