Video: SLFP not in favour of unity Govt: Susil

16 February 2015 07:20 am Views - 8789

SLFP National Organiser Susil Prmajantha said they were against the national government or unity government concept and expressed confidence in a UPFA victory at the general elections.

The party also condemned the NPC resolution calling for an international probe into alleged war crimes and 'genocide' during the last stages of the armed conflict.

Mr. Premajayantha said the use of the word genocide was not acceptable.

"This is a time of reconciliation. We have rehabilitated 11,000 cadres. If there was genocide, this wouldn't have happened,” he said.

Mr. Premajayantha said candidates will be screened by the nominations board before selecting them to contest the general election.

He said they would consider the wishes of people when selecting the candidates.(Video & text by Lahiru Pothmulla)