US reacts to Tiger meet

18 May 2010 08:36 am Views - 15990

While the controversial Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam (TGTE) held its inaugural sessions in the US city of Philadelphia over the last three days, the US Embassy in Colombo noted that the U.S. continues to investigate and prosecute individuals and entities that have provided material support to the LTTE. 

LTTE activist Visuvanathan Rudrakumaran who acts as its Coordinator said in a press statement emailed to Daily Mirror online that the TGTE meeting is being held in the US where the LTTE is listed as a terrorist outfit and comes in the wake of the Sri Lankan government urging foreign government not to give credence to moves by the LTTE to create a government in exile in support of an Ealam state.

"We are very pleased to announce that the historic event of  inaugural sessions of the Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam (TGTE) are to take place at the National Constitution  Centre (NCC) at the Independence Mall in the US city of Philadelphia on 17-19 May, 2010. NCC commemorates the 1787 Philadelphia Convention when the first steps were taken to write the constitution of America. The Declaration of Independence was also debated and signed in Philadelphia,” Rudrakumar said in the statement.

Rudrakumar said that May 17-19 was chosen for the inauguration of TGTE in order to demonstrate the will of Eelam Tamil nation for its independence and coincides with the first year remembrance of the military victory against the LTTE.

“By forming the Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam (TGTE) through a self organised democratic practice for electing people representatives by direct voting, Eelam Tamil nation declares to the Government of Sri Lanka and the International Community that it will continue its struggle until conditions are created which will enable the Tamils to realize their right to self determination and exercise their sovereignty,” Rudrakumaran added.

When contacted over the TGTE meeting in the US, the US Embassy spokesman in Sri Lanka Jeff Anderson said that there are a number of organizations in the United States that represent various interests of the Sri Lankan Diaspora community with a wide range of views on issues concerning Sri Lanka, and have the right under the U.S. Constitution to express their perspectives and advocate their interests peacefully.

He said that although the U.S. Government fully supports an active civil society in their own country and abroad, they do not always agree with all of the viewpoints of such organizations.

“The United States unequivocally supports a united, peaceful and democratic Sri Lanka. Further, we note that the LTTE has been designated as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) in the U.S. since 1997.  This designation remains in force.  The U.S. continues to investigate and prosecute individuals and entities that have provided material support to the LTTE,” Anderson told Daily Mirror online. (Daily Mirror online)