Tremors due to overflowing reservoirs?

27 January 2013 11:45 am Views - 2602

The Geological Mines and Survey Bureau (GMSB) is presently probing into a possible link between overflowing tanks in the region of Ampara District and the series of tremors reported in the area.
GMSB Chairman Dr. M. P. Wijeyananda speaking to Daily Mirror online, he said although previously they were convinced the tremors could have been man-made, they had now started to consider the possibility of overflowing tanks resulting in earth tremors in the area due to the pressure exerted by the heavy mass of water.
“Since the earth tremors reported in the Ampara District bore a pattern, we were quite convinced they could be man-made. However, we did not reach any conclusion until the investigation is completed. Unfortunately, the investigation could not be carried out as planned due to heavy rains and floods in the area. Therefore, the investigations have been put on hold,” Dr. Wijeyananda said.
He also said they have currently made a list of reasons, which they suspect could be causing the tremors and were probing into the possibility of each cause. (LP)