TV debate between Govt and Opposition?

28 December 2012 03:12 am Views - 4541

Government and opposition politicians were expected to meet in the New Year for a public debate on the impeachment motion brought against Chief Justice Shirani Bandaranayake, informed sources said.

The debate was expected to be between Minister of Construction Wimal Weerawansa and UNP MP Lakshman Kiriella. Both Mr. Weerawansa and Kiriella were members of the special select committee appointed by speaker Chamal Rajapaksa to look into the charges that had been brought against the Chief Justice.

The debate would be telecast on a private TV channel in the first week of January, 2013.

Sources close to Mr. Weerawansa confirmed The debate would be telecast on a private TV channel in the first week of January, 2013 that he was up for a public debate but had insisted that the discussion be centered on the changes that had been brought against the Chief Justice and not the way the select committee had conducted its proceedings. Mr. Kiriella, when contacted by the Daily Mirror however, claimed that he had not been informed by any one about a public debate but assured that should he be invited to participate in one he was ready to oblige at any time.(YP)