Violent selector blows his top again

11 July 2014 06:07 am Views - 10100

The national selector who behaved like an animal in the President’s box, removing his shirt and going berserk during a famous big match just a few months ago, had been at it again.
This time it was in Kandy during the recent match when he walked in and threatened an ex-co member in full view of all other ex-co members. The man who is well known for his appalling behaviour like a thug, lived up to his reputation and ripped off a barrage of abusive language and had attempted to assault the official, but had been just prevented by the other ex-co members.
Interestingly, the man is a paid employee of the ex-co and had been in Kandy, supposedly to do his salaried job.
Concerned ex-co members called the “Daily Mirror” yesterday to say that it was a clear case of employee assaulting the employer at the work place, and said it was time to put a stop to the nonsense with meaningful action.
Just a few days ago, the ex-co had interestingly passed a Rs. Two-million loan without interest to this man, which underlined the power he wielded with the top men, possibly thanks to his turncoat political antics.
The responsible men had also passed the loan without a fuss stating that the man’s “stature” and the “service” he had done for the game made him deserve this loan.
One ex-co member asked whether every man of such “stature” would be gifted millions without a question at the drop of a hat just like that and stated that it is a joke that an institution that is in debt in billions of rupees is lending money to another party.
The latest escapade came in the wake of the ex-co member in question raising a query with relevant authorities on how several players who were supposedly over the stipulated age limit were playing in the current Under 17 provincial tournament.
This member who is connected to the school game had every right to question such a move after receiving complaints from several parents.
The son of the violent man is captaining one side in the tournament and is over 17. The ex-co member’s query had angered the violent selector.
The officials had also changed the earlier stipulations and had told the ex-co member that the age limit for the tournament was not under 17, but under 18 and all players who have a chance of playing for Under 19 World Cup in 2016 had been given a chance to play in this tournament.
The junior selections had been in a muddle in recent times with several strong allegations of favouritism as sons of men with connections to the establishment getting the nod over deserving youngsters and authorities turning a blind-eye to the burning issue.
This man’s case however is a direct conflict of interest as the father is a member of the selection committee and the son is a player. Father claims to stay away from selections and does not sign the list alright, but it is common knowledge as to how friendships work in this land. 
Our hero has a colourful history with his short temper. Fifteen years ago he used abusive language and gave a death threat to a former national selection committee chief who is widely known as a decent, genial gentleman. Then he had also assaulted a fellow Sri Lanka team mate inside his club.