Ceylon Tea production drops marginally in September

22 October 2022 01:04 am Views - 241


The tea production for the month of September saw a slight dip of 1.79 MnKgs when compared with the corresponding month of the previous year. 

The September 2022 production totalled 20.96 MnKgs.

When compared with the 22.03 MnKgs of September 2020, September 2022 shows a decrease of 1.07 MnKgs.
The High Growns have shown an increase, whilst the Medium and Low Growns have shown a decline over the corresponding month of 2021. 

The cumulative analysis shows that for the January-September 2022 period, the production totalled 192.37 MnKgs. This is a significant decrease of 42.35 MnKgs when compared with the 234.72 MnKgs of January-September 2021. 

Forbes and Walker Tea Brokers in its report this week said that the production for the first nine months of the year ending September is the lowest recorded for the period under review since 1996, where it recorded 188.40 M/Kgs for the corresponding period. 

On a cumulative basis, all elevations have shown a decline over the corresponding paeriod of 2021.

When compared to 201.43 MnKgs of COVID-19 impacted January-September 2020, the cumulative production of January-September 2022 shows a decrease of 9.06 MnKgs. On a cumulative basis as well, all elevations show a decline over the corresponding period of 2020.