Good vision and driving

28 July 2015 05:35 am Views - 2751

By Rajeev Rajapakse

It goes without saying that your eyesight affects your lifestyle. All your daily activities depend on how well you see. Driving is one such activity for which your vision essential. 
Here are some important factors to take into consideration about eyesight and driving.

Standards of vision for driving
You must meet the minimum eyesight standard for driving, which is a visual acuity of at least 6/12 (decimal 0.5) measured on the Snellen scale (with glasses or contact lenses, if necessary). This must be for both eyes together or, if you have sight in one eye only, in that eye.

You must be able to read (with glasses or contact lenses, if necessary) a car number plate from 20 metres.

You must also have an adequate horizontal field of vision (at least 160°). 

These basic tests can be performed by your optician.

Facing the glare
Facing bright sunlight during the day and the reflection of oncoming vehicles at night are two of the most visually disturbing factors while driving. 
These two instances can be noticeably improved by using correct eyewear. During the day, polarized, UV protective sunglasses are a big help. 

Less well-known and less used are protective lenses for driving at night. Anti-reflective coating on lenses helps to reduce the light reflecting off sources of light, such as TV and computer screens, smartphones, and the lights of oncoming cars. 

Some cars are equipped today with anti-reflective rear-view mirrors and even wind shields. However, it is recommended that you make sure your lenses have anti-reflective coating if you already wear spectacles. If you do not, you could keep a pair of non-corrective spectacles with anti-reflective lenses for night driving. 

Another option is photochromic (colour-changeable) lenses. 

Progressive / multi-focal lenses and driving
One of the greatest technological improvements in the optical world has given us digital progressive lenses, which provide corrective vision at near, intermediate and far distances. These are custom-made today to match your eye movements and requirements. 

As with all modern equipment and accessories a certain amount of time is necessary for correct adaptation. Progressive lenses require that you move your head and not your eyes when looking to the side. 

When using the side-view mirrors while driving, you must move your head so that you are looking through the centre of your lens and not the periphery. You can get more information from your optician about using progressive lenses for a confident adaptation to the best quality lens on the market today.

Spare spectacles
If you are a contact lens or spectacle wearer, it is advisable to keep a pair of spair spectacles in your car. If for some reason you lose your contact lenses or need to remove them, you will not be able to drive unless you have corrected vision. This is a simple practical step that can ensure safety.

As an eye care practitioner, I come across many cases of accidents and problems related to daily activities that can easily be prevented with some thought and simple steps. Road safety is a public concern and some of these basic factors can be useful in ensuring your wellbeing.