Hutch sponsors ‘GetnAiled’ gaming challenge for second time

10 July 2015 06:30 pm Views - 1306

2014 ‘Hutch GetnAiled’ drew a large crowd creating new waves within the e-sporting sector

Hutch powers ‘GetnAiled’ Gaming challenge for the second consecutive year​

In an effort to enhance the local competitive gaming standard to the international, Hutch has come forth as the title sponsor of ‘GetnAiled’ Gaming Challenge 2015.

In its second year, ‘GetnAiled’ will be held on July 11 and 12, 2015 at Liberty Plaza, Colombo 3, lobby area. The tournament is hosted by the gaming clan ‘n00b Alliance’, the first Call of Duty 4 clan in Sri Lanka with strategic partner Gamer.LK.

Last year’s Hutch GetnAiled was held at Majestic City Colombo 4 with a participation of more than 500 individuals and over 50 teams. The tournament featured the ever popular game ‘Call of Duty 4’ as a multiplayer challenge. This year the event is targeted to be “bigger and better” with over 70 teams expected to take part in this innovative event. To register online interested teams are requested to log on to

Adding a new dimension to the event this year, Hutch has organised a mini-tournament for the public who visits to witness the grand gaming tournament. The mini tournament at the ‘Hutch Experience Zone’, will create excitement amongst rookie gamers and would moreover provide an experience of online multi-player gaming and an opportunity to win valuable give-aways and a grand prize for the overall best performer. 

Hutch Chief Executive Officer Thirukumar Nadarasa upbeat about the event said, “As a brand which is constantly engaging with our data consuming audience we feel that is our responsibility to partner and most importantly to be actively involved with GetnAiled, one of the largest open public gaming tournament’s in Sri Lanka. 

The Sri Lankan E-sports industry is undergoing a paradigm shift within the past couple of years, with the availability of broadband data and we have noted the passion within the local gaming community and the trend of data usage for e-sports is rapidly rising. We feel our association with this event will further enable the gaming community to reach greater heights not just locally but also to make a mark in the global E-sporting arena.”

Going beyond their “Call of duty” Hutch Sri Lanka will be sponsoring two leading gaming teams in Sri Lanka, including Xiphos and nOOb alliance who are the defending champions. These two teams are regarded as two of the foremost gaming teams within the gaming community locally. 

Sharing his thoughts about the initiative GetnAiled Organiser Vikum Jayasekera opined, “We are encouraged by the partnership and the active commitment of Hutch Sri Lanka, who has obliged to empower the local gaming community through not only funding but also granting network solutions, data use and supporting us to make this event a grand success”. 

He further noted, “Computer gaming and e‐Sports have rapidly become the most popular choice of interactive entertainment among both teenagers and adults over the world. Gamers have formed competitive leagues and today’s computer and console gaming is considered a professional sport in many countries.