29 April 2020 12:22 pm Views - 634
Grade5.lk, the leading digital platform for grade 5 exam training, signed a long term partnership agreement with Wijeya Newspapers Ltd.
Peter Sjögren, the CEO of Crowderia the platform owner, stated that the partnership offers a unique opportunity as it will take Grade5.lk to the next level in providing students with many educational content for just Rs. 10 per day.
According to Peter Sjögren, a professional educational platform is built upon high quality educational material but also a constant flow of information and news, which will now be accessible through the partnership with Wijeya Newspapers Limited.
Udesh Gunatunga, Director, Wijeya Newspapers Limited commented that Wijeya is striving to strengthen the company’s digital presence in the education sphere and the partnership with Grade5.lk is a significant step in achieving this objective.
With our content and reach we hope to make Grade5.lk the digital platform of choice for grade 5 scholarship students providing high quality education that is accessible and affordable to all.
For more information contact Peter Sjögren on +9471 2239365 or peter@crowderia.se