330 New Lawyers welcomed to the Bar

26 August 2020 12:23 pm Views - 3146


More than 300 new lawyers will be giving their oath before the supreme court from today to August 28, 2020. The BASL and Junior Bar commitee had organized a stall and for the first time proceeded to hand over a complimentary books to the junior lawyers through the combined stall placed at the Supreme court complex. The convenor of the junior Bar Committee Nishan Premathiratne Atorney at Law said “ the BaSL and junior bar committee under its chairman Mr Kuvera de Zoysa PC wants to appraise and educate the new junior lawyers with all issues and challenges faced in the legal profession. In order to address same, the commitee has also planned a orientation program on September 3, 2020 which comprises of various speakers who have embarked to different professions having embraced law as a profession. We want to enlighten these lawyers with all possible avenues availble to a lawyer. We are also having a non legal session on personality building and confidence to be chaired by bathiya Jayakodi and Stephanie Siriwardena. The junior bar commitee has also scheduled the opening the junior bar center at the BASL on September 7 under the hand of his lord ship the Chief Justice. This center would be exclusively availble for the use by all junior lawyers all over the island which comprise of over 8000 in number” he said.