Mabole Malays celebrate Meelad-un-Nabi

29 September 2024 03:33 pm Views - 34

The Mabole Malay Association (MMA), one of the most active group of Malays in Sri Lanka, celebrated Milad-un-Nabi (Prophet Muhammed’s birthday) by conducting two social projects on 16th and 18th September 2024 respectively.

On 16th September, Nasika Buli kidu packs, traditional Malay ghee rice packed in weaved fresh coconut palm leaves baskets, were sold to the members and well-wishers, of which the feedback was most encouraging as almost all consumers commended the food as being exceptionally delicious. Kudos to the MMA Saudaris (sisters) who were involved in the preparations.

On 18th September 100 yards of white fabric and cash were donated to the Duwa Madrasa Mosque in Mahabage, towards 30 deserving Quranic pupils to facilitate ‘kurtha’ uniform kits, with special mention of gratitude to sponsor Saudari Karima Nuhman and IPP Sudara Dirshana Jamal who assisted in procuring the fabric at a concessional rate.