Nawam Perahera on Feb. 18, 19

28 January 2019 11:47 pm Views - 1725

Nawam Perahera which is one of few spectacular cultural events that brings Colombo City alive is to be held this year on February 18th and 19th, the Gangarama Viharadikari Venerable Kirinda Assaji Thera said today.

The Perehera is organized by the Gangarama Temple annually. “Founder of the Perahera the Chief Incumbent of the Temple Venerable Galaboda Gnanissara Thera who is currently undergoing treatment in Singapore will view the Perahera with the help of modern technology,” Ven. Assaji Thera said. Member of the Dayaka Sabha Minister Dr.Harsha De Silva accepted the donations which were given by various businessmen. Pix by Nimalsiri Edirisinghe