SL Navy takes delivery of Ex-USCGC Douglas Munro

27 October 2021 11:13 pm Views - 1410

Sri Lanka Navy (SLN) formally took the delivery of the EX-United States Coast Guard Cutter, USCGC Douglas Munro, provided by the United States to SLN, in a ceremony held at the U.S. Coast Guard Base Seattle of Washington in the United States on 26th October 2021. On behalf of Commander of the Navy, Vice Admiral Nishantha Ulugetenne, the event was attended by Chief of Staff of the Navy, Rear Admiral YN Jayarathne. As such, the ship formally joined the SLN fleet from 26th October 2021 under the pennant number P 627 and the main mast of the ship will fly the National Flag effective from the very date.