Video: Sirikotha turns into a battle field

14 November 2013 10:19 am Views - 5899

United National Party (UNP) headquarters Sirikotha turned into a battle field today when monks of the Bodu Bala Sena (BBS) led by its General Secretary Galagodatthe Gnanasara Thera tried to enter the premises, while an alternative “Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting” programme was in progress.

The monks charged that a photographic exhibition containing anti-BBS pictures, depicting a negative impression of religious terrorism in Sri Lanka were exhibited.

However, the BBS monks were not allowed to enter the building premises by UNP party supporters who surrounded the monks after their entrance and pushed them towards the gate of Sirikotha while demanding them to leave.

The monks were turned away from Sirikotha amidst threats, assaults and heated exchange of words from both sides. Pix by Pradeep Dilrukshana and Kithsiri de Mel