Key turnaround management points for Sri Lankan plantation industry

11 August 2015 06:30 pm Views - 1823

No industry will move forward without its competent employees. It is a challenge to attract and retain talent in organisations that consider ‘growth’ as a top priority. This situation is critical with the Gen Y and now Z concerning employment in the plantations industry. This area of knowledge has to be investigated and a correct proposition has to be installed, especially in the plantations industry managed by the Regional Plantations Companies (RPCs), if they are to embark on turnaround management.  

Let me repeat: “No employees – no industry.” It is due to this that a concept such as ‘employer branding’ has emerged out of many slogans. If the concept is correctly applied, there will be many employees with different skill sets looking for employment in plantations. RPCs should be able to achieve most challenges better than the smallholder sector as RPCs have ready access to more resources than the smallholder sector.

Most RPCs are traded in the stock market. As such, the public must have a right for correct information.

At present, there are many watching the performance of plantations in Sri Lanka, especially those managed by the RPCs, including retired public servants, professionals and investors. All these stakeholders are equally concerned about the future of plantations as this is our ‘national wealth’. Therefore, as responsible citizens of Sri Lanka, isn’t it our duty to safeguard the national interest for the sake of our future generations?

The above are not facts but personal opinions. If it is about sustainability then sustainable focus must be addressed.

Therefore, it’s worth looking into facts and data applicable to the business to ascertain how they survive and grow with an objective of understanding the causal factors for any setback, if any, so that, we can rectify our mistakes and thereby achieve the necessary target.

To overcome these shortcomings and achieve the desired target, there should be a separate unit to handle financial irregularities committed by certain management companies. I, therefore, would like to make an appeal to the state to appoint an independent high-powered team of professionals to look into the facts and figures given to the public. So, the public as well as the plantation community would know the figures and percentages published were in order.
In this endeavour, there are many areas which we should be concerned in order to correct our mistakes. For example:
If the proposals of the last budget report with regards to the plantation sector were implemented, this situation would not have occurred. They were:
Large plantations
Whatever said and done, since there are no solutions to legitimate demands regarding employee wages, although there are some RPCs ready to meet them. The causal factors of those who can and cannot have, have to be investigated through the high-powered committee proposed above. This will pave the way to develop a new set of policies that will lead to turnaround management of this important industry. Therefore, trade union action for higher wages at this moment should be delayed in view of poor market conditions for both tea and rubber.

The committee must undertake an independent research through the Plantation Human Development Trust (PHDT) on cost of living of the plantation workforce in all agro climatic regions before it is too late. (There is an interesting study undertaken by Rosy Senanayake recently on this across the country). Wage increases must consider inflation. Otherwise, we will be underpaying employees as the value of money drops.  

The problem will be solved when both parties understand the actual issues of either side. But there should be a genuine approach. With politically-motivated workforce, they have more bargaining power. This should not be underestimated.

I can see impending danger in the event this doesn’t get solved soon. Cost of living cannot be reduced without real improvement in national level productivity and reduction of waste. These issues of wages will get aggravated with possible rises of cost of living soon.

I don’t think we should delay in submitting viable alternatives, especially, when the Labour Minister is willing to listen to the demands of the employees.
The biggest mistake done is the non-appointment of at least one person to each RPC by the state out of crop science graduates who have the scientific knowledge on crop science as well as management to look after billions’ worth of assets.

At the same time, we would like to bring to the notice of the committee to look into the following as well: In this regard there are some ex-planters who are willing to give information, if the committee wishes and will provide more details in regard to many violations that has taken place during the last two decades.
(Lalin I. De Silva is the former Editor of Ceylon Planter’s Society Bulletin)