Crysbro contributes to environment

24 November 2015 06:30 pm Views - 1679

As the latest of the countless social service programmes carried out by Crysbro during its 43-year history, recently, Crysbro got together with Rotary Club District 3220 for a tree-planting project near the Daduru Oya Reservoir. 

Representatives of different divisions of the Crysbro group symbolizing 1000 of Crysbro’s current employees joined in to plant 1000 plants. The Rotary Club District 3220 will care for them for two years.  

A distinct aspect of this project is the usage of Google view technology to closely monitor the plants, to ensure that they do indeed safely join the environment. The Crysbro brand name is the finest creation of Farms Pride (Pvt.) Ltd. While producing chicken as its only product, it has become the only chicken producer in Sri Lanka to win the prestigious ISO 14001 certification for environmental management. The award is only a recent confirmation of the long history of Crysbro’s constant commitment to the Environment.

Carrying forward the motto of ‘Upcountry goodness islandwide’, Crysbro is always earnest about keeping eco-friendly coverings in all its factories. Special attention is also paid towards reforesting any available land leftover by the clearing of land for Crysbro factories.