360-degree feedback – Developing self-awareness among employees

21 April 2014 06:54 am Views - 4533

In the 1990s, organisations started to change from highly structured pyramid-like hierarchies towards flatter and leaner shapes. The autocratic management styles that suited a pyramid structure won’t work in the modern organisation with its wide spans of control, high levels of self-management and a workforce that relies on motivation rather than control. Management styles needed to change.

Change is difficult at best of times but behavioural change is more difficult than anything else. Many things get in the way of the best intentions to do things differently. Behaviour is largely driven by habits – and habits are very hard to change. Some managers do not want to change. Some managers do not know how to change. Some managers do not think they need to change. In situations like these, something is needed to bring objectivity to the process of deciding how managers should change their style. Into this vacuum comes a tool that is almost universally known as 360-degree feedback. Researchers prefer to call it multi-rater.
360-degree feedback is an evaluation method that incorporates feedback from the employee, his/her peers, superiors, subordinates and customers. Results of these confidential surveys are tabulated and shared with the employee, usually by a superior. Interpretation of the results, trends and themes are discussed as part of the feedback. The primary reason to use this full circle of anonymous reviews is to provide the employee with information about his/her performance from multiple perspectives.

The feedback idea is based on the notion that if employees receive feedback on their behaviours from a number of different sources, then it is more likely to be accurate, accepted and specific. This approach is different to the feedback that the employees might receive in a performance appraisal with their boss.

The reasons for introducing the 360-degree feedback survey vary widely and that is why employees need to be clear about the purpose of the process will be for their organisation.

They may include:
Personal development - this is where the focus is on creating employees’ awareness of their strengths and weaknesses so that they can commit themselves to make changes in behaviour that will lead to better performance.

Cultural change - in this application, the purpose is to align employee behaviour with the preferred organisational culture. The feedback is a control mechanism designed to make sure that employees are adhering to the new ways of working and managing.

Team development - the purpose is to enhance the level of teamwork that is exercised with the teams. Teams can include management, project and even functional teams. When everyone in the team gets feedback from everyone else in the team, then issues about their roles, work styles and approach are rapidly resolved.

Under ideal circumstances, 360-degree feedback can be used as an assessment for personal development rather than evaluation. Unfortunately, not all circumstances are ideal.
There are a number of factors linked to the failure. Many organisations rush into 360-degree feedback without laying the foundation for success. Typical errors include:

Important points
If 360-degree feedback is to be effective, it is important to ensure that certain central principles are adopted:

Gaining trust
If the employees are to trust the 360-degree feedback process, there are a few points to be considered by the top management of the organisation. In organisations that do not have a tradition of open feedback or upward communication, it is likely that 360-degree feedback will be seen with greater levels of mistrust. Addressing the issues identified above can help to overcome this problem, though there may also need to be some pertinent challenges to the prevailing culture to establish higher levels of trust.

More generally, an organisation may not be ready for 360-degree feedback at a time when it is undergoing a change programme that includes downsizing or restructuring, as the aims and objectives of the exercise might be misinterpreted.
One vital decision hierarchy of the organisation needs to make is how it will administer its 360-degree feedback process. Though seen as a tremendously valuable tool, many organisations shy away from conducting 360-degree evaluations because of the paperwork and administration involved in collecting and collating all the feedback. Automating the process eliminates the hassles for everyone involved, saves tremendous time, energy and effort and lets you extract all the value from the feedback.

(To be continued next week)
(Lionel Wijesiri, a corporate director with over 25 years’
senior managerial experience, can be contacted at