Asgiriya Chapter Anunayaka Thera calls for fair and just rule in the country

16 March 2024 12:00 am Views - 56

By Lal S.Kumara   

Anunayaka of the Asgiriya Chapter Ven. Wendaruwe Upali Thera said it  would rain in the due season bringing a bumper harvest and making the  people happier, fuller and pleasanter provided the country had just  rulers at the helm.   

Addressing the Special Conference of the Mahasangha of the  Asgiriya Chapter held at Manelwatta Maha Vihara Conference Hall in  Kelaniya the Ven. Thera pointed out the march forward of the country  could be ensured by establishing a fair and just rule in the country and  not through politically motivated activities.   

The conference was held under the chairmanship of Ven. Wendaruwe Upali Thera.   

“If the rulers were giving priority to their political  achievements the country would be stagnating in this mire of degradation  for another 75 years. The successful rulers including kings depended on  the guidance of the Mahasangha King Dutugemunu, King Saddhatissa, King  Walagamba, and King Parakramabahu, were outstanding rulers among them.  Every ruler in Sri Lanka should receive the blessings of the Mahasangha.  It is the age-old tradition of the country.”   

“Public representatives came into power and they formed  several governments at times for the last 75 years of independence. They  turned into a privileged class and violated the rule of law and  resorted to illegal activities to gain cheap political mileage. The  entire state administration has been politicized and this situation has  been extended to the selling of state property. The country would get  deeper and deeper into this mire of degradation if the state property  were privatized or alienated to the foreigners.” Ven. Upali Thera said     

Ven. Anunayake Thera further said the prevailing situation  would demand a radical change to eliminate corruption and malpractices  and to establish the rule of law and that the country would be free of  debt servicing if frauds, malpractices corruption and official grafting  were eliminated.   

Head of Pepiliyana Sunetradevi Pirivena, Professor Medagoda Sumanathissa Thera addressed the conference.   
Mahasangha including Anunayaka Theras of Malwatta,  Amarapura, and Ramaniya Chapters, Heads of Vidyodaya and Vidyalankara  Pirivenas, Former President Mahinda Rajapaksa and several  parliamentarians were present at the occasion.