Christmas: A time to embrace truth and rid society of falsehood: Catholic Bishops’ Conference

23 December 2023 12:00 am Views - 48

Catholic Bishops’ Conference yesterday called for a deeper understanding of the dignity of humans and to respect basic rights, freedoms and justice meted out to society this Christmas. 

“Christmas brings us a greater awareness of the truth about human realities and aspirations that transcend mere material development and prosperity. Jesus, the son of God by assuming human nature brings a deep understanding of the dignity of human persons and calls us to respect the basic rights and freedoms and ensure that justice is meted out in the society by all concerned, the Bishops Conference said in its Christmas message”. 
The Bishops’ Conference said the following in their message. 

Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus, the Son of God and the Son of Mary. For a meaningful and fruitful celebration of this birth, we need to reflect deeply on His words with regard to His mission on earth. In the interrogation at the trial before Pilate. Jesus told him: “Yes, I am a king. I was born for this: to bear witness to the truth, and all who are on the side of truth listen to my voice” (Jn.18:37), Christmas, therefore, calls us to be truthful in life. Jesus who on an earlier occasion proclaimed himself as “the truth” taught: “If you make my words your home... you will learn the truth and the truth will make you free. So if the Son makes you free. You will be free indeed” (Jn. 8:31 & 36).

Respect and acceptance of truth a core values in religion that rid society of all ills of falsehood, dishonesty and corruption in governance and in the day-to-day life of the people. In this respect, we also see a grave need to unite all our fellow citizens irrespective of their differences and work for the common good of all. This is the path to peace and true prosperity in the country.
The Sacred Scriptures elaborate further; “His state was divine, yet He did not cling to His equality with God but emptied Himself. and became as men are... even to accepting death (Phil. 2:6 & 7). These words reveal the depth of meaning of the birth of Jesus, impelling us to share what we have until we experience that such can be achieved only in responding to the needs of those who struggle to make ends meet. This is a difficult moment in our country. Since incomes and wages have not increased in proportion to the prices of essential commodities of food, medicine, fuel, electricity and water bills. 

People have to cut edges to manage with the bare minimum; malnutrition is on the increase. Especially affected are our children. Let our celebration of Christmas be marked by simplicity and without extravagance. To be on the side of truth. let us listen to the voice of Jesus who tells us: “in so far as you did this to one of the least of these brothers of mine. you did it to me” (Mt. 25:40). That alone guarantees our encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ.