Effectiveness of Sri Lanka’s legal system is questioned over alleged corruption: Chief Delegate

16 April 2024 10:12 am Views - 259

By Kelum Bandara 

The effectiveness of the legal system in handling investment-related matters in Sri Lanka is often questioned due to perceived corruption and inefficiency, an official said. Marie Antonia von Schönburg, Chief Delegate of the Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Sri Lanka, in an interview with Daily Mirror, said that despite the existence of laws, implementation remains a challenge, which may deter investors from choosing Sri Lanka over other alternatives.
 By addressing investors’ concerns about corruption and inefficiency, Sri Lanka is now seeking to create a transparent and predictable environment that facilitates investment and ensures the protection of investors’ rights. Continued efforts to strengthen the rule of law will contribute to Sri Lanka’s reputation as a trustworthy and business-friendly destination for both domestic and foreign investors, she said.