Ex-CID officer arrested along with Shani Abeysekera

20 September 2022 12:00 am Views - 84

By lakmal Sooriyagoda  

It was revealed that no steps have been taken by Public Service Commission (PSC) as directed by Supreme Court to pay the salary of former CID sub inspector Sugath Mendis who was arrested and interdicted along with former CID Director Shani Abeysekera.  

On May 18, the Supreme Court ordered that former CID sub inspector Sugath Mendis be paid his full salary and entitlements with effect from 23/03/2022.  

Filing a motion before Supreme Court, Sugath Mendis stated that respondents including the PSC have acted in a contemptuous manner disregarding the interim order issued by Supreme Court.  

Filing a motion through Attorney-at-Law Lilanthi de Silva, the petitioner moved Court to accept his written submissions as required to be filed prior to the hearing of the petition. This petition is to be taken up for argument on 21st of September.   

Sub-inspector Mendis was arrested and remanded for 11 months in connection with allegations that his superior officer SSP Shani Abeysekara had planted weapons in certain premises to frame former DIG Vaas-Gunawardena who was convicted along with his son and four others by a trial-at-bar for murdering millionaire businessman Mohomed Shyam.   

Mendis was granted bail along with SSP Shani Abeysekara by the Appeal Court which noted several contradictory positions in complaints made against Mendis that evidently contained fabrications and false versions. Mendis had complained that he was taken in and remanded for refusing to falsely allege that SSP Abeysekara had planted weapons to frame Vaas-Gunawardena and others.  

Mendis’ petition complained to the Supreme Court, that he was denied due process and has been wrongfully interdicted and denied his salary and entitlements inflicting hardship to him and his family. These acts of harassment violate his fundamental rights, he complained.