Fuel lines, gas queues won’t go away merely because new Govt. is formed: SJB

12 July 2022 12:00 am

By Yohan Perera

Neither the incumbent Prime Minister or anyone from SLPP has any moral right to head a new interim government as such an administration headed by them will not be recognised by anyone including the international community,” Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB) official Spokesman S. M. Marikkar said yesterday. 

“Constitution provides for the Speaker to take over the presidency in the event both the President and Prime Minister resign. This is the process that should be followed,” Mr. Marikkar told a press briefing.
“The claim made by the Prime Minister that there will be unrest in the nation if both himself and the President resigns is false. Furthermore, it is proper that some party in the opposition takes over the task of governing the nation as people want both the Premier and the President out,” he added.

Meanwhile, MP Eran Wickramaratne said a new government that would be formed after the resignation of the President and the Prime Minister should be one which would be accepted by the international community and buyers of Sri Lankan goods in the international markets. “One must also understand that fuel queues, gas queues would not go away and tourists would come just because a new administration is sworn in. A new government should have a plan in place to revive the economy,” he said.