General election should be held if that is the only option available : Harsha

20 June 2022 08:31 am

By Yohan Perera   

A general election should be held if that is the only option available to bring political stability, Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB) MP Harsha De Silva said yesterday.    

De Silva was responding to a question raised by a journalist at a press conference on the possibility of conducting a general election in March next year.

“ We are not insisting that an election should be held but it should be considered if that is the only option available,” De Silva said.

“ Some people hold a wrong idea about finding funds for a general election. However Vérité Research Pvt Ltd. has revealed that only Rs 5.7 billion has been spent for the 2020 general elections even with the COVID 19 safety protocol. However a sum of Rs.19.1 billion has been allocated for the ministry of defence construction projects in 2022 while Rs.12 billion has been allocated for the Defense Headquarters in 2022. These funds could be used if an election is held,” he added.   

“ We propose forming of a proper multi party government for a short period and then one could hold a general election. International and local trust could be built this way,” he stressed.   Referring to the talks he had with Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe, the SJB MP said the talks were centered on expenditure management. “However it transpired at this meeting that cutting down expenditure was not possible as a greater percentage is spent on salaries, pensions and debt services. 

The option would be to increase revenue through overhauling of the investment environment.