Kidnapped billionaire narrowly evades capture in Kalpitiya showdown with impersonating gang

24 October 2023 12:00 am Views - 160


By Hiran Priyankara   

A billionaire businessman abducted by an organised gang at  Pallivasalthurai in Kalpitiya on Sunday evening (22) had managed to jump  off the motorcar and escape at Kottukachchiya. 

The victim Moses Mariya Miyocius (49) was a leading fish  merchant in Kalpitiya. He told police that the gang waylaid and  abducted him when he was on his way back after taking his son, studying  at a university in Colombo, to Palaviya junction, to board a bus. 

 Investigations revealed that the gang claimed to be officials of the Anti-Narcotic Bureau had forced him on board their vehicle.   

The vehicle had sped away ignoring the order to halt at  Karamba Police checkpoint in Norochcholai and Mundalama Police checkpoint and it aroused  suspicion in him that they were not police  officers.   

When the vehicle turned to a by-route connecting Puttalam-  Kurunegala main highway and proceeded and stopped he had jumped off the  vehicle and ran away. He had travelled to Anamaduwa town by a vehicle  that gave him a lift and made a complaint to police.   

Meanwhile, Anamaduwa Police on information that a  businessman was being abducted carried out a raid in Anamaduwa town and  seized the suspicious vehicle. However, the suspects had fled from the  scene during the raid leaving only the vehicle with its driver, who was  the prime mover of the abduction to be arrested.   
The suspect was being further questioned to find the circumstances that led to the abduction.   
The suspect and the vehicle were to be handed over to Kalpitiya Police for further action.