SC orders state to pay Rs.1 M compensation to Ex-CID officer

7 October 2023 12:00 am Views - 121

By Lakmal Sooriyagoda   

The CID Sub-Inspector Sugath Mendis who had been arrested  and interdicted along with former CID Director Shani Abeysekera, was  yesterday awarded a one million rupees compensation by the Supreme  Court.  
Sub-Inspector Mendis was arrested and remanded for 11  months in connection with allegations that his superior officer SSP  Shani Abeysekara had planted weapons in certain premises to frame former  DIG Vass Gunawardena who was convicted along with his son and four  others by a trial-at-bar for murdering millionaire businessman Mohomed  Shyam.   

The Supreme Court three-judge-bench comprising Justices  Priyantha Jayawardena, S. Thurairaja and Mahinda Samayawardena held that  the petitioner’s fundamental rights guaranteed by Articles 12(1)- right  to equality and right to occupation under Article 14(1)(g) of the  Constitution have been violated by the Respondents.  
The Supreme Court further ordered the respondents to  retrospectively grant all salary increments, benefits, and promotions to  Sugath Mendis, extending up to the date of his retirement from the  Police Service if he has already retired from the service.  

In his petition, Sugath Mendis complained to the Supreme Court, that he was denied due process and had been wrongfully  interdicted and denied his salary and entitlements inflicting hardship  to him and his family.  
Following an 11-month incarceration, Mendis was granted  bail along with SSP Shani Abeysekara by the Appeal Court which noted  several contradictory positions in complaints made against Mendis that  evidently contained fabrications and false versions. Mendis had  complained that he was taken in and remanded for refusing to falsely  allege that SSP Abeysekara had planted weapons to frame Vass Gunawardena  and others.  
IGP C.D. Wickramaratne, Chairman and members of Public  Service Commission, Attorney General and several others were named as  respondents in the petition.  

Senior Counsel Viran Corea with Thilini Vidanagamage  instructed by Lilanthi De Silva appeared for the Petitioner. Deputy  Solicitor General Suharshie Herath appeared for the Respondent.