SL-ISIS links My warnings fell on deaf ears

23 April 2019 12:02 am Views - 686


By Kelum Bandara 

Commenting on the spate of coordinated bombings that took place last Sunday, MP Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe said he revealed in 2017 that 32 Sri Lankan nationals had joined the Islamic terrorist group ‘ISIS’ but his warnings were ignored by the government ministers at that time. 




He told Daily Mirror that several ministers including Dr. Rajitha Senaratne and Mangala Samaraweera vehemently condemned his revelation instead of pursuing action on it for national safety. He also said government MP Mujibur Rahman launched a scathing attack on him over the revelation. 

“What I revealed then is proven true today. Some ministers went to the extent of humiliating me. I was called a fruit bearer to Mahanayake Theras. Minister Senaratne called for a press conference to deny what I revealed,” he said. 

He said he blocked the enactment of the Counter-Terrorism Bill from 

the beginning. “I was confronted by Development Strategies and International Trade Minister Malik Samarawickrama and Prime Minister’s Advisor Charita Ratwatte for opposing it. 
I was asked by Mr. Ratwatte as to why I was opposed to the replication of the British counter-terrorism law. I told him Sri  Lanka was no longer a British colony,” he said.