SLMC condemns all forms of terror committed by both parties of Israeli-Palestinian conflict

11 October 2023 09:30 am Views - 165

The Sri Lanka Muslim Congress (SLMC) unreservedly condemns  all forms of violence and terror committed by both parties in the  Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The continuing loss of innocent lives, and  unimaginable misery inflicted on the civil population in the Gaza Strip,  denial of access and right of worship at holy sites in this ancient  cradle of civilisation are developments that shock all mankind.   

Issuing a statement, SLMC leader MP Rauff Hakeem said  deliberate dispossession, detention and dehumanisation of the  Palestinian people is a blatantly brutal blot on the collective  conscience of the world that is committed to conduct international  relations in a rule-based order as envisaged in the United Nations  Charter.   

‘While condemning all acts of terror at the root of which  remain continued provocations of unprecedented intensity in recent  months, we urge all parties to exercise restraint and begin negotiating  in good faith with a view to realising a sustainable and pragmatic  solution of two states existing side by side within pre-1967 borders, in  peace and prosperity.   
The New Middle East that is unilaterally sought to be  achieved by current Israeli leaders who have embraced forcible  annexation as state policy will only further exacerbate this century-old  conflict. As long as breath remains in the human breast the people of  Palestine will continue their struggle and longing for their right to  breathe the air of freedom and right of worship.   
We appeal to all parties in the Middle East and Arab World  to be wary of the intentions of those who seek to use the façade of  diplomacy to offer dubious rewards to further subjugate a population  under occupation.   

Hatred only begets hatred. And hatred doesn’t cease by  hatred. All encouragement of hatred from all quarters, either by  supporting one faction against another or one party against another in  the theatre of conflict, should stop forthwith.   

The double standards manifest in the policies and positions  of North America and Europe vis-a-vis the Palestinian people, which  also characterise much of the official stance on the Israeli-Palestinian  conflict, of Sri Lanka’s immediate neighbour aspiring to be the leader  of the Global South, leave much to be desired.

 Responsible powers,  whether global, regional, or leading as they prefer to call themselves,  should act in a mature, prudent, and balanced manner, without prodding  the occupier towards more hatred, but by exercising their responsibility  delicately to help the parties move towards enduring peace with  justice,” he said.