18 July 2022 09:10 am Views - 719

By Yohan Perera and Ajith Siriwardana   

Making statements on electing a new President without checking the facts and the legal background undermines the constitutional process, sows doubt in the minds of the public, and risks stability Speaker’s office said yesterday.  

The statement said the Speaker has requested all media institutions to act responsibly when reporting comments or statements made about this process, regardless of its origin, given the volatile public sentiment that is now prevailing in the country.    

“The Office of Parliament stands ready to provide any clarifications required on this process or any other Parliamentary matter. Respecting the constitution remains the bedrock of stability, normalcy and progress of our country and all citizens and organizations are urged to help ensure this is safeguarded,” the statement said.   
“The Speaker received the letter of resignation from the former President dated 14 July 2022 on the same day evening, and upon checking the authenticity and legality, made the announcement on the morning of 15th July 2022. According to Section 4 of the Presidential Elections (Special Provisions) Act. No 2 of 198L, the acceptance of such a letter “operate as asummoning of Parliament to meet within three days of such occurrence” to inform its members and accordingly, the Parliament was summoned on the 16th July 2022. 

After informing the Parliament, a date should be fixed to receive nominations “not earlier than forty-eight hours and not later than seven days from the date of such meeting” according to Section 5 of the same act, and the date has been fixed for that as 19th July 2022. 

Once the nominations have been received on the said date, the election has to be held on “a date not later than forty-eight hours from the time of receiving nominations” as per the Section 6.4 of the same act and the announced date for this is the 20th of July 2O22.This process has been explained and accepted by all the Party Leaders representing Parliament” the statement added.