Shi Yang 6 Research Heat transported by West India Coastal Current drives weather in SL

3 November 2023 10:03 am Views - 223

By Kelum Bandara  

The upwelled water carried by the West India Coastal Current (WICC) off the west coast of Sri Lanka is rich in nutrients, and it can play an important role in the improvement of productivity in terms of fish production, according to preliminary findings during research with the Chinese vessel ‘Shi Yan 6’, a top scientist said yesterday.  

Upwelling is the process in which water from the deep sea rises up when winds blow across the ocean pushing surface water away.   

Principal Scientist of National Aquatic Resources Research and Development Agency (NARA) Dr. K. Arulananthan told Daily Mirror that his team participated in research in nine allocated locations of the Indian Ocean on board Shi Yan 6 with Chinese scientists.   

He said nutrient-rich water enhances the proliferation of phytoplankton, a primary producer which serves as food for fish. He said the path of the west India coastal current (WICC) is not established and the survey off the west coast will give an insight into the dynamics of it.  

The research also dealt with the heat transported by the WICC since it drives the weather of the northern Indian Ocean rim countries like Sri Lanka.  

NARA recognizes that the seasonally reversing coastal current around Sri Lanka plays an important role in water exchange and heat transport within the Northern Indian Ocean. The heat distributions in the ocean, while determining the biological productivity, interact with the atmosphere and drive the weather in this region.   
According to NARA, the ocean survey in 2018 revealed a more complicated current pattern off the southern water. The survey also indicated upwelled water off the west coast. These two phenomena are contrary to the understanding of the ocean processes and dynamics around Sri Lanka.   

During the last survey with the Chinese vessel, CTD (Conductivity, Temperature and Depth) profiling was undertaken at the selected sampling locations, in addition to water sampling for the calibrations of CTD. Besides, Acoustic Doppler Current profiling was also done. All data gathered will be used to analyze the water currents.