Some police stations defaulted in paying water bills

9 September 2021 08:37 am Views - 77

By Easwaran Rutnam 

Some police stations had defaulted in paying water bills, the government said yesterday.

Minister of Water Supply Vasudeva Nanayakkara said that raids had to be carried out on these police stations to recover the payments. Nanayakkara said this while speaking at an online media briefing yesterday. 

"We conducted raids and ensured they (the police) paid the bills," the minister said.

He said that non-revenue water is a big issue for the government where water leaks or water is illegally acquired.
Nanayakkara also assured that drinking water will be made a basic right for all. He said that the Government hopes to achieve this goal during its current term. 

The minister said that increasing water bills of domestic users is not the plan of the government. 

He said that the government can earn revenue from the use of water in other ways.