Sri Lanka is at the heart of Indo-Pacific - top EU official

9 May 2023 12:00 am Views - 117

By Kelum Bandara

European External Action Service Deputy Managing Director of Asia and Pacific Paola Pampaloni who is in Sri Lanka said Sri Lanka is at the heart of Indo-Pacific, but it is not geography alone that determines engagement.   
She was speaking during the Conference on Ocean Governance and Maritime Security at the Lakshman Kadirgamar Institute of International Relations and Strategic Studies.    

“In addition, the EU and Sri Lanka also enjoy deep and constructive partnership, which we have built over the years. The IP Strategy offers a new dimension of cooperation from which both, EU and SL, can fully benefit, and it relates to many joint initiatives already underway. In five days, the EU will host the second Indo-Pacific Ministerial Forum in Stockholm. This Forum will provide a significant opportunity for the partners from Europe and Indo-Pacific to build further contacts, exchange ideas, and agree on common undertakings. Very pleased that Sri Lanka’s Foreign Minister Ali Sabry will join us in Stockholm for this exchange.   

The determination to do more with the Indo-Pacific is shared by all our Member States, institutions and partners. The EU is fully united in its realisation of the region’s strategic importance: Indo-Pacific region is the second largest destination for EU goods and the EU is the top foreign direct investment partner of the region. This is why our strategy is wide-ranging covering the areas of sustainable and inclusive prosperity, green transition, ocean governance, digital governance and partnerships, connectivity, security and defence and human security. And it is inclusive of all partners who wish to cooperate with us,” she said.   

She said, “Our partners are having increased expectations from the EU in the security field, one of the 7 priorities of our Indo-Pacific strategy. The EU is ready to do more. With regard to maritime security, two months ago, on 10 March 2023, the EU adopted an enhanced EU Maritime Security Strategy. The Strategy proposes to enhance the EU’s action on maritime security under six strategic objectives: step up activities at sea; cooperate with partners; lead on maritime domain awareness; manage risks and threats; boost capabilities; educate and train. In light of recent growing challenges to the maritime domain, the EU will support Maritime Security and open, secure sea-lanes of communication.