Tree falls on police officers’ motorbike

18 May 2024 12:00 am Views - 54

By B.G. Chaturanga   

Two police officers of Anuradhapura Traffic Division riding on a motorcycle were seriously injured when a wayside tree fell on them all of a sudden at Kawarakkulama Junction last morning. They were admitted to Anuradhapura Teaching Hospital. A spokesman for the hospital said one of them was in critical condition due to injuries caused to the spine. Two PCs, one from Dambulla Police and the other from Maradankadawala Police had been injured in the incident. Police said a group of five police officers were on their way to Anuradhapura on three motorcycles for repairs and maintenance of motorcycles when the PC from Maradankadawala Police boarded the ill-fated motorcycle. Kawarakkulama Police are conducting investigations.