University student suspended

1 October 2022 12:00 am Views - 101

By Shane Seneviratne  

President of the Allied Health Science Faculty student union in Peradeniya University was suspended pending investigation of his alleged unruly behaviour during a protest in front of the Senate House on September 28.   
Vice Chancellor Prof. D.M.Lamahewa said several students who staged a protest in front of the senate house had used harsh and rude language unbecoming of university students and insulted the university authorities and that their behaviour had caused obstructions to the duties in the Senate House.  

He pointed out that the incident brought disrepute to the university and the majority of students.   

 The vice Chancellor said the President of the Allied Health Sciences Faculty student union who had been directly involved in this incident was suspended with immediate effect pending formal investigation of the incident.  

He further said the student leader concerned was ordered to leave the campus immediately.