Young man killed during a clash in a queue

9 July 2022 12:00 am

By D.G.. Sugathapala and Sirangika Lokukaravita   

A young man was killed during a clash between two parties waiting in a queue near Magalla filling station in the early hours of last morning.    

The victim Achira Salinda (25) was an engineer graduated from Kotalawala Defense University and a resident of Wanchawala in Galle. He had been assaulted with a sharp weapon during the brawl.   

 Three others injured in the incident were admitted in a critical condition to the Karapitiya Teaching Hospital.   
It is alleged that an attempt of an individual to break the queue and skip his position had resulted in the clash. A preliminary magisterial inquiry was to be held yesterday afternoon.

Galle Harbour Police are conducting further investigations to arrest the suspects.