CID arrests FB womaniser

24 September 2014 06:26 am Views - 232

By Su­pun Dias
A 22-year-old man was ar­res­ted by the CID on charg­es of hav­ing sex­u­al­ly har­assed young girls es­pe­cial­ly school­girls by threat­en­ing them on Face­book that he pos­sessed their nude pic­tures.

He had threatened to pub­lish them if the girls re­fused to meet him.
The break­through came when a Sri Lan­kan un­der­grad­u­ate study­ing in Aus­tral­ia re­ceived a threat­en­ing mes­sage from the man on Face­book when she was on hol­i­day in Sri Lan­ka.


"The CID had al­so con­fis­ca­ted a pen drive con­tain­ing a large num­ber of pic­tures and vid­eos of his sex­u­al en­coun­ters with young girls"


She then lodged a com­plaint with the CID. It was the sec­ond such com­plaint re­ceived by the CID against the cul­prit who is a res­i­dent of Pan­a­dura.In­ves­ti­ga­tions re­vealed that the sus­pect’s fa­ther had bought him a mo­bile phone worth around Rs.50,000 when he was 17 years of age and lat­er a lap­top from the mon­ey his fa­ther ob­tained from the sale of a land.

He is said to have used these gadg­ets to en­gage in such ac­tiv­i­ties for a con­sid­er­a­ble pe­ri­od of time
The CID had al­so con­fis­ca­ted a pen drive con­tain­ing a large num­ber of pic­tures and vid­eos of his sex­u­al en­coun­ters with young girls.
The CID pro­duced the man in the Co­lom­bo Chief Mag­is­trate’s Court and he was re­man­ded till Sep­tem­ber 29. Po­lice spokes­man Ajith Ro­ha­na warned that most Face­book ac­counts were fake and are known to have been set up to lure those who ac­cess them.

“We have asked peo­ple not to share per­son­al in­for­ma­tion with those they meet on Face­book and it is the du­ty of the pa­rents to see with whom, es­pe­cial­ly their daugh­ters, are talk­ing on Face­book,” he add­ed.