16 June 2017 01:10 pm Views - 3866
BY A.S. Fernando.
The prominent part at the base of the 4th Finger or the Finger of Mercury is called the Mount
of Mercury.
Indicator of prosperity and affluence
This Mount represents the prosperity and affluence of the owner.
Mercurians - those with a well-developed Mount of Mercury - can go bad as cheats and fraudsters. But the good Mercurians have the potential to become great scientists, eminent lawyers, outstanding politicians, successful businessmen, and much sought after-physicians.
Endowed with wit, sharp intelligence and circumspection
They are endowed with sharp intelligence, wit, circumspect
and eloquence.
Mercurians are methodical in their work. They are keen on scientific research and are born mathematicians.
They would make a success in the medical profession especially when the Mount is marked by three vertical lines and there is a well-developed Mount of Jupiter.
A Mercurian with a long pointed first phalanx and short nails of the finger would make his mark as a barrister of law.
Mercurians are psychic and are adept at influencing people. They shine in literary fields as well.
Mercurians are active both mentally and physically.
They are good at games and sports where skill and dexterity rather than physical strength
are required.
A single vertical line, a star, a square, a triangle or a trident on the Mount is considered good. A grille, an island, a cross, a dot or cross bars on the Mount signify either bad traits in the character of the owner or his health problems.