15 September 2017 12:44 pm Views - 3293
In a previous article we pointed out that a name could be modified to produce a numerical value corresponding to a favourable number if the present name does not relate to a favourable number due to its unfavorable numerical value.
In the previous articles, we have discussed the significance of numbers from 10 to 30, based on the numerical and vibrational or resonance value.
In this article we propose to discuss the significance of Numbers from 31 to 40.
Number 31: This number signifies isolation and self-confinement. Being more introvert than extrovert, the subject would take an apathetic attitude towards worldly affairs. Therefore, he would suffer from want and his life would be a failure.
Number 32: This number indicates expansion, advancement and progress. Success comes from organizations, companies and cartels. It is more beneficial for the subject to act on his own initiative than to depend on others’ judgment.
Number 33: Success due to help from those holding high office and through the love of the members of the opposite sex.
Number 34: This number predicts strength and benefits from experience and trial and error. Difficulties may prove to be stepping stones to success.
Number 35: This number portends dangers and calamities. The subject may suffer financial losses from games of chance like gambling. Problems in married life are also in the offing.
Number 36: This number confers drive, energy, command and authority. Native possesses initiative and executive skills. Action on his own initiative would bring him success.
Number 37: This number holds much potential for the good. It indicates good fortune and good luck from friends and loved ones. Success in marriage and partnerships is strongly indicated.
Number 38: The number predicts losses to employees, friends and business associates. The subject would face obstacles in his career, and also unexpected setbacks, grief and deception. He would fall victim to the wiles of the opposite sex.
Number 39: The subject possesses a discerning mind and a sharp intellect. He seldom gains material success as he fails to apply his keen faculties for practical purposes.
Number 40: Native possesses a sharp intellect and perception. But worldly success like fame and wealth eludes him.