Cargills International Women’s Day Festival 2021

25 February 2021 12:10 am Views - 252


Creating a platform to celebrate International Women’s day, Savithri Rodrigo, the founder and creator of online digital programme Kaleidoscope has joined forces with Taru, from Table by Taru at Lake Lodge to host Cargills International Women’s Day Festival - The Changemakers. The event will span four Mondays, 1st,8th, 15th and 22nd of March and will be held at Lake Lodge, a small luxury boutique hotel in the heart of the city. The four day festival is designed to celebrate women who are championing change, and thought leaders who prompt dialogue through their work, impacts and actions. The festival also aims to uphold women’s ability to transform, adapt and be the change, while also stimulating debate, building knowledge, expanding networks of champions and advocating gender equality.

Each day will feature curated panels of Change Makers, moderated by Savithri Rodrigo who will guarantee engaging and thought provoking discussions on a variety of salient topics applicable to the modern Sri Lankan woman.

Speaking about the event, Brand Communications Specialist for Taru Management Mahika Chandrasena says “ Taru who is renowned for her unusual and innovative events hopes that this will be the genesis of an annual event in breaking new ground with the focus on inspire, empower and connect. 

This is why we have collaborated with Kaleidoscope with Savithri Rodrigo and these festival partners, as they share the same philosophy with a focus on helping forge a more gender equal world.”  

For Savithri who is a veteran presenter, compere and accomplished writer the collaboration with Taru and Cargills “augments our focus on that singular mission of showcasing the important roles women have played and continue to play in this country.” Savithri who hosts Kaleidoscope has highlighted achievers, pioneers, disruptors, peace builders and entrepreneurs, placing the spotlight primarily on women, as the focus on women’s achievements, their determination and commitment to instigate change is rarely spotlighted in the media.
An extract of each discussion will also be featured in the “Let’s Talk” segment on Kaleidoscope. Each day begins with dialogue and discussion and concludes with apéritifs and canapés. Socially conscious corporate steward Cargills is the Festival Title partner, while the UNFPA is the Event Partner.


Tickets are priced at Rs. 20,000 for the Festival Pass (which gives access to all events of the festival) and Rs. 6,000 for the Day Pass to an individual event.