One of the few...
11 August 2021 12:10 am
Views - 189
This sends belated greetings to Ruwan Wijewardene who celebrated a birthday last week. He is one of the few among the younger generation in public life with good manners, unfailingly respectful to ladies and seniors, is kind and simple. Others in this category who I know personally are Gajendra Ponnambalam, Sandith Samarasinghe, Yoshitha and Chichi Rajapakse. Those I mentioned have always been courteous, respectful and have always gone out of their way to be kind and thoughtful to elders. I have never heard them making insulting remarks about anyone. These are qualities that are instilled in one from childhood so it’s up to parents of today to see that they bring up their children to show respect and be concerned about the feelings of others through word and deed. The lack of courtesy in our youth is a mark of our time so it’s up to those in public life to set an example to others , never displaying arrogance and hurting other’s .