7 January 2022 11:16 am Views - 556
Cases of poisoning among children and adults have also been reported as a result of swallowing the liquid in these products. “Nicotine can harm the developing brain of children and adolescents. It is said that the brain keeps developing till you reach the age of 25. Nicotine affects certain areas of the brain that coordinates functions such as attention, learning, mood and impulse control. As such, smoking affects higher functions of the brain. The usage of nicotine (which is also called a gateway drug) could provoke adolescents to use other drugs in future. Therefore young people who smoke e-cigarettes are more likely to smoke normal cigarettes,” he said.
Dr. Rajapaksa further said that flavouring materials and chemicals from second-hand emissions are linked to lung diseases and cancer. “E-cigarettes also contain volatile organic compounds such as benzene and other heavy metals that could damage other organs apart from the lungs and heart,” the doctor added.
Speaking about the Sri Lankan situation he said that e-cigarettes have been regulated and therefore are not freely available. The law bans the manufacture, import, sale and offer for sale of e-cigarettes that contain nicotine but it applies to all e-cigarettes in general. “The tobacco industry is losing 60 of its customers every day and therefore they’re trying to tempt the younger generation with e-cigarettes. This is how they’re trying to fill the gap. Smoking is more prevalent among males in Sri Lanka and if 60 males die every day, this means that the industry is producing 60 widows everyday. If we take two children per family, this means around 120 children lose their fathers everyday due to smoking. The most unfortunate aspect of these deaths is the fact that they happen prematurely,” said Dr. Rajapaksa.
He further said that the tobacco smoking prevalence has reduced from 15% to 9.1% but that more awareness needs to be raised to prevent people falling prey to this menace.