14 February 2020 12:20 pm Views - 4985
Thippili (Piper longum linn) is a perennial herb that is found in particular regions in Sri Lanka. It comes in two varieties and it’s fruits are quite small, completely sunk in solid, fleshy spikes and is blackish green in colour. Immature dried fruits and roots are used in treatments.
Medicinal uses : Thippili is used to treat acute and chronic bronchitis, fever, cough, haemorrhoids and piles. It is used as an appetizer, counterirritant, laxative and expectorant.
Home remedies
Cough : Fry Thippili powder in ghee and take one gram once a day.
Swelling : Prepare a paste of Thippili and apply directly on affected areas.
Hiccups : Consume Thippili with honey
Sore throat : Steep half a teaspoon each of Thippili and rock salt in one glass of boiling water for 15 minutes. Strain and drink it warm.